System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
System messages
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Name Default message text
Current message text
vector-view-viewsource (talk) (Translate) View source
vector.css (talk) (Translate) /* All CSS here will be loaded for users of the Vector skin */
vector.js (talk) (Translate) /* All JavaScript here will be loaded for users of the Vector skin */
verification-error (talk) (Translate) This file did not pass file verification.
version (talk) (Translate) Version
version-antispam (talk) (Translate) Spam prevention
version-api (talk) (Translate) API
version-credits-not-found (talk) (Translate) No detailed credits information was found for this extension.
version-credits-summary (talk) (Translate) We would like to recognize the following persons for their contribution to [[Special:Version|MediaWiki]].
version-credits-title (talk) (Translate) Credits for $1
version-db-mariadb-url (talk) (Translate)
version-db-mysql-url (talk) (Translate)
version-db-percona-url (talk) (Translate)
version-db-postgres-url (talk) (Translate)
version-db-sqlite-url (talk) (Translate)
version-editors (talk) (Translate) Editors
version-entrypoints (talk) (Translate) Entry point URLs
version-entrypoints-api-php (talk) (Translate) [ api.php]
version-entrypoints-articlepath (talk) (Translate) [$wgArticlePath Article path]
version-entrypoints-header-entrypoint (talk) (Translate) Entry point
version-entrypoints-header-url (talk) (Translate) URL
version-entrypoints-index-php (talk) (Translate) [ index.php]
version-entrypoints-rest-php (talk) (Translate) [ rest.php]
version-entrypoints-scriptpath (talk) (Translate) [$wgScriptPath Script path]
version-ext-colheader-credits (talk) (Translate) Authors
version-ext-colheader-description (talk) (Translate) Description
version-ext-colheader-license (talk) (Translate) License
version-ext-colheader-name (talk) (Translate) Extension
version-ext-colheader-version (talk) (Translate) Version
version-ext-license (talk) (Translate) License
version-extensions (talk) (Translate) Installed extensions
version-hook-name (talk) (Translate) Hook name
version-hook-subscribedby (talk) (Translate) Subscribed by
version-hooks (talk) (Translate) Hooks
version-libraries (talk) (Translate) Installed libraries
version-libraries-authors (talk) (Translate) Authors
version-libraries-description (talk) (Translate) Description
version-libraries-library (talk) (Translate) Library
version-libraries-license (talk) (Translate) License
version-libraries-version (talk) (Translate) Version
version-license (talk) (Translate) MediaWiki License
version-license-info (talk) (Translate) MediaWiki is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. MediaWiki is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but <em>WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY</em>; without even the implied warranty of <strong>MERCHANTABILITY</strong> or <strong>FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE</strong>. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received [{{SERVER}}{{SCRIPTPATH}}/COPYING a copy of the GNU General Public License] along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA or [// read it online].
version-license-not-found (talk) (Translate) No detailed license information was found for this extension.
version-license-title (talk) (Translate) License for $1
version-mediahandlers (talk) (Translate) Media handlers
version-no-ext-name (talk) (Translate) [no name]
version-other (talk) (Translate) Other
version-parser-extensiontags (talk) (Translate) Parser extension tags
version-parser-function-hooks (talk) (Translate) Parser function hooks
version-parserhooks (talk) (Translate) Parser hooks
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