System messages
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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace.
Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
Name | Default message text |
Current message text | |
version-poweredby-credits (talk) (Translate) | This wiki is powered by <strong>[ MediaWiki]</strong>, copyright © 2001-$1 $2. |
version-poweredby-others (talk) (Translate) | others |
version-poweredby-translators (talk) (Translate) | translators |
version-poweredby-various (talk) (Translate) | Various authors |
version-skin-colheader-name (talk) (Translate) | Skin |
version-skins (talk) (Translate) | Installed skins |
version-software (talk) (Translate) | Installed software |
version-software-product (talk) (Translate) | Product |
version-software-version (talk) (Translate) | Version |
version-specialpages (talk) (Translate) | Special pages |
version-summary (talk) (Translate) | |
version-variables (talk) (Translate) | Variables |
version-version (talk) (Translate) | ($1) |
versionrequired (talk) (Translate) | Version $1 of MediaWiki required |
versionrequiredtext (talk) (Translate) | Version $1 of MediaWiki is required to use this page. See [[Special:Version|version page]]. |
video-addvideo-button (talk) (Translate) | Add video |
video-addvideo-dest (talk) (Translate) | Add video for $1 |
video-addvideo-embed-label (talk) (Translate) | Embed Code or URL: |
video-addvideo-exists (talk) (Translate) | The title for your video already exists. Please choose another title for the video. |
video-addvideo-instructions (talk) (Translate) | Adding a video to {{SITENAME}} is easy. Just paste the video embed code ''or'' the video's URL into the following form, add a name for the video, and press the "{{int:video-addvideo-button}}" button. If you want to embed the video on a page use the following format: '''<nowiki>[[</nowiki>{{ns:video}}:Video Title<nowiki>]]</nowiki>'''. You can add a video from the following providers: {{int:video-provider-list}} ===Example of a Video Embed Code=== This is an example video embed code from YouTube: <pre style="background-color: #F9F9F9; border: 1px dashed #2F6FAB; color: black; line-height: 1.1em; padding: 1em;"> <nowiki><object width="425" height="355"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed> </object></nowiki> </pre> ===Example of a Video URL=== Below is an example of a video's URL from YouTube: <pre style="background-color: #F9F9F9; border: 1px dashed #2F6FAB; color: black; line-height: 1.1em; padding: 1em;"></pre> |
video-addvideo-invalidcode (talk) (Translate) | The code or URL you pasted is invalid. Please try again. |
video-addvideo-title (talk) (Translate) | Add video |
video-addvideo-title-label (talk) (Translate) | Video title: |
video-addvideo-watchlist (talk) (Translate) | Add this video to my watchlist |
video-category-name (talk) (Translate) | Videos |
video-desc (talk) (Translate) | Allows new Video namespace for embeddable media on supported sites |
video-dims (talk) (Translate) | $1, $2 × $3 |
video-embed (talk) (Translate) | Embed |
video-hidebots (talk) (Translate) | Hide uploads by bots |
video-histlegend (talk) (Translate) | Legend: ({{int:cur}}) = this is the current video, ({{int:video-revert}}) = revert to this old version. <br /><i>Click on date to see the video URL on that date</i>. |
video-history (talk) (Translate) | Video history |
video-links (talk) (Translate) | Video links |
video-links-to-video (talk) (Translate) | The following {{PLURAL:$1|page links|$1 pages link}} to this video: |
video-more-links-to-video (talk) (Translate) | View [[Special:WhatLinksHere/$1|more links]] to this video. |
video-newvideos-list-text (talk) (Translate) | Below is a list of <strong>$1</strong> {{PLURAL:$1|video|videos}}. |
video-newvideos-showfrom (talk) (Translate) | Show new videos starting from $2, $1 |
video-no-links-to-video (talk) (Translate) | There are no pages that link to this video. |
video-no-videos (talk) (Translate) | No new videos. |
video-novideo (talk) (Translate) | No video by this name exists, you can $1. |
video-novideo-linktext (talk) (Translate) | add it |
video-provider-list (talk) (Translate) | *[ YouTube] *[ Metacafe] *[] *[ Dailymotion] *[ Gametrailers] *[ Hulu] *[ MyVideo] *[ MovieClips] *[ South Park Studios] *[ Viddler] *[ Vimeo] *[ WeGame] |
video-revert (talk) (Translate) | rev |
video-revert-intro (talk) (Translate) | You are about to revert the video '''[[:{{ns:video}}:$1|$1]]''' to the [$4 version as of $3, $2]. |
video-revert-legend (talk) (Translate) | Revert video |
video-revert-success (talk) (Translate) | Reverted to earlier version. |
video-showhidebots (talk) (Translate) | ($1 bots) |
video-upload-new-version (talk) (Translate) | Upload a new version of this video |
view (talk) (Translate) | View |
view-pool-contention (talk) (Translate) | pool contention |
view-pool-dirty-output (talk) (Translate) | parser cache is expired |