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Welcome to the wiki for InChristlopedia
This wiki is a workspace for Darrell and other like-hearted Contributor to capture thoughts, ideas, project plans, stream of conscious, musings...for future use in producing or aligning with Christ-honoring works.
Unlike the most popular wikis, such as Wikipedia and Fandom, which are popularly crowd-sourced, this is at most a joint artistic venture in collaboration with other Christ-followers---or at the very least a scrapbook by Darrell Lawrence Greene to pass along Solomon-like proverbial wisdom to posterity.
Therefore, contributors and accounts to access this wiki will be granted on a private basis via requests made to
Non-contributors can still suggest articles, also via direct mail to
Please make sure the articles intent is to honor Jesus Christ (like you would if you were preparing content or presentation for an award ceremony in His honor). Articles preferred will be those most closely resembling the following elements:
Authentic (Editorial target: To communicate as Authoritative/Trusted/Branded/High-Quality/Excellent as Jesus did.)
Meaningful (Editorial target: To communicate as Applicable/Consequential/Pertinent as Jesus did.)
Approachable (Editorial target: To communicate with as much Kindness/Grace/Compassion/Helpfulness/Support/Mercy as Jesus did to all people.)
Zero-Errors (Editorial target: To communicate as Accurately in Grammar/Format/Syntax as Jesus did.)
Influential (Editorial target: To communicate as Compellingly/Convincingly/Effectively/Persuasively/Tellingly/Soundly as Jesus did.)
Novel (Editorial target: For articles to be as Current/Up-To-Date/Relevant/Contemporary/Pioneering as Jesus's ministry was.)
Godly(Editorial target: For articles to be as God-Honoring/Appropriate/Worshipful/Magnifying as Jesus was to the Father.)
...and containing one or more of the following elements:
P.rayer, prophetic direction, passages of biblical scripture
R.epentance, restoration, revival, recovery stories
A.pologetic arguments or case for Christ's worthiness of honor
I.llustrations, videos, cartoons, or other symbolic visuals to help honor Christ
S.ongs, sounds, music, lyrics or other poetic elements to help honor Christ
E.vents, eyewitness accounts of happenings, miracles, works
S.ources that support one or more of the above
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