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F.R.E.E.D.O.M. Occupational Categories:


Featured Article:

Gender How does a caring God desire us to behave based on our sex?


Featured Article:

YHWH Qanna How does Christ jealously love us?


Featured Article:

Physics How has Christ created and maintain this universe fined tuned for our benefit?


Featured Article:

Superheroes How is Christ the ultimate Superhero?


Featured Article:

Distribution of Wealth How does Christ want resources to be allocated?


Featured Article:

Race How will Christ categorize and judge groups of people?


Featured Article:

Journalism How does Christ want us to share information about others?

A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. Editorial Standards:

Authentic (Article should be Authoritative/Trusted/Branded/Quality)

Meaningful (Article should be Applicable/consequential/pertinent)

Approachable (Article should be Kind/gracious/compassionate/helpful/supportive/merciful)

Zero-Errors (Article should be Accurate/Grammar/format/syntax)

Influential (Article should be Compelling/convincing/effective/persuasive/telling/sound)

Novel (Article should be Current/up-to-date/Relevant/contemporary/pioneering)

Godly(Article should be God-Honoring/Appropriate/Worship/Magnification)

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